Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday Morning

The kids had a lot of fun today in the morning. We did some rhythm practice with the tambourine and drums. That is Karina in the black outfit. She is acting as a raven that fed Elijah by the brook in this morning's story.

Monday Morning and Afternoon

Just took a few candid shots of the kids today. We also want to wish Masafumi and Yuto a very Happy Birthday.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Free Time

In the morning, when the children first come to school, they have an hour of free time. It is always interesting to see what kind of things that they come up with. Sometimes they just play with the puzzles and toys. Other times they draw pictures. Other times they build houses or castles or police stations. Today they decided to design their own little obstacle course. I was able to catch a few action shots, hope you enjoy.

Field Trip

We went to Kyodo No Mori in Fuchu for a Field Trip on Wednesday. They have several old buildings that are now used as a museum. There is also a Planetarium where the children were able to get an up close look at the stars and some of the planets.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to School

Back to School

Hope everyone had a fun summer. We had a busy one but it was truly a lot of fun. The kids came back to school on the 6th. Some of the morning students helped Candice prepare lunch on Thursday. Thank you for your help everyone.

Summer school

Summer School